By Octavia Garrett

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Laws and Punishments

The Laws are quite strict but some of them are not forced as much as others.
Laws of New Harmony:

  1. Every citizen must be home before 7:30pm every day and gone by 8:30am
  2. No steeling, killing or lying
  3. All work(homework, assignments and projects) must get done
  4. School and work hours are 8:45am - 4:45pm from Monday to Friday.
  5. From the age of 12 till the age of 16 each citizen must volunteer on Saturday for 2 hours.
  6. No citizen is allowed out side the community unless it is required by there career.
  7. All fairy dust must be accounted for.
  8. No one can break off anthers wing(s).
The punishment are not as hard, but if you kill or steel you will be locked up and if you rip off someones wing(s) the person loses there magic and so will you.  If you break any of the other laws the punishment is community work such as helping out at the school or working at the shop.

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